Filter Housing, Filter Cartridges, Pleated Air Filters, Gas Filters, Filters Bags For Power plant , Filters For power plant applications
Power development is the key to the economic development for any country. A range of pollutants are generated from coal-fired and coal co-fired power generating plants and some are more specific to a particular technology. Filter concept designs & Manufacture an extensive range of Filtration systems used in Power generation for its Liquid, Gas, Hydraulic & Lube oil and Air Filtration. Numerous systems have been developed and applied for control of Particulates. Some control like specifically one type of pollutant; whereas others may integrate several control systems.
For Various applications of power plant generation filter concept provides the most comprehensive, cost-effective and reliable systems
Process filtrationsegment deals with removal of suspended solids from liquid. It offers filtration from 0.2microns to 1000microns.
Air filtrationsegment deals with removal of suspended partices from air. It offers filtration from 0.01microns to 100microns. This segment offers some special filter elements which are designed to remove moisture and oil from air.
Hydraulic & Lube oil filtrationdegment deals with removal of suspended particles from oil. It deals with high pressure filtration requirement. segment deals with removal of suspended solids from liquid. It offers filtration from 0.2microns to 1000microns.
Compressed air filtration segment deals with removal of suspended particles from compressed air. It offers filtration from 0.01 micron to 100 microns. This segment offers some special filter elements which are designed to remove moisture and oil from compressed air.
Gas Filtrationsegment deals withremoval of suspended particles from gas. It offers filtration from 0.01micron to 100 microns. This segment offers some special filter elements which are designed to remove moisture and oil from gas..